1723 Verrazzano Drive, Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 910-297-9908 Email: [email protected]

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The company-owned headquarters of vetechnet.com is pictured above.

Technical web site production, wireless networking, and wireless high speed Internet access solutions are the main business activities of vetechnet.com.


  • State-of-the Art Wireless Broadband Internet Access
  • State-of-the Art Web Sites
  • State-of-the Art Wireless Local Area Networks
  • Superior Graphic Design
  • Distinctive, High Quality Layout

Wireless Networking

A SOHO (small office/home office) wireless local area network (WLAN) is shown in the following diagram. This network can be quickly and inexpensively installed at your location.


A wireless network utilizing a local hospital roof for relay antenna location (network bridge) for two separate physician offices is shown in the following photos. Wireless link path is 1.25 miles with a throughput of 4.3 Mbps and 99.999% reliability.

Pricing Wireless Internet Access


Speed Increase Over Dialup

1.54 Mbps
x 27.5
Your Pick
128 Kbps
x 2.28

Web Site Development

State-of- the-Art Web Sites with artwork, including custom logos, by Sandra.

Web Sites CAT # Price
One page web site


from $45

Four page web site


from $100

Portal w/advertising


from $600