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Business Monday Newspaper Article

May 26, 2002 Honeywell Aerospace Award to Ron Vigneri
Laser Gyro Patent Recognition in Sunday Star-News
-Bob Johnson, President & CEO of Honeywell Aerospace awarded Ron Vigneri a Patent Plaque in recognition and appreciation for the invention and development of the Ring Laser Gyro and Laser Navigation System over 38 years ago. As announced in the Star-News newspaper Business Sectors, the devices are used in guidance systems in aircraft, missiles, submarines, trains, and other applications. Vigneri was quoted as saying it was nice to be remembered for anything after that amount of time. Honeywell has supplied over 250,000 laser gyros to date, particularly for application in Boeing 757, 767, and 777 series aircraft.

Summer 2001 Fairleigh Dickinson University
A Patented Success Story
Article in FDU Magazine's Alumni Profile titled, "A Patented Success Story" featured Ron Vigneri. The article featured the wide range of accomplishments by Vigneri since graduation with a BSEE - Cum Laude in 1965.

February 19, 2001 Wilmington Morning Star
--Article featuring Ron Vigneri and vetechnet.com on the subject of Domain Names on the World Wide Web on the Internet. Written by Amanda Greene, Staff Writer, and featuring information on creating, registering, and using domain names, the article was most informative.

January 8, 2001 Wilmington Morning Star
What makes a good business Web site?
-- Article featuring Ron Vigneri, and vetechnet.com, and an Atlantic Quest web site. Written by Lee Holland, Staff Writer, and appearing on the front page of the Business Monday feature section of the New York Times owned Wilmington Star News. Various designers in the area are presented, as well as topics such as, "What a customer should expect" and "What a business should look for".

For More Information Contact:
Div. of Venture Enterprises
1723 Verrazzano Drive
6726 Netherlands Drive, Suite 600
Wilmington, NC 28405
Phone: 910-297-9908
Email: [email protected]